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Rehabilitation Services

Stay home instead, rehab care the way you want it

Abl Health Care has years of expertise in rehab care, senior health care, post acute care. We provide warmhearted and personal 24/7 skilled-nursing care and rehabilitation services in a cozy and compassionate environment. ABL Health Care focuses on providing equal quality and continuing care. We work with the patient, the family and the primary doctor, following the Plan of Care to provide clear communication and a friendly service to the community.

We strive to create a comfortable and nurturing environment. Our team of California-licensed rehabilitation service nurses can help recover from hospital stay surgery, injury or serious illness.

  • Rehabilitation therapy begins after a screening and the primary doctor has established the Plan of Care for each patient’s medical condition and their ability to undertake post acute care.
  • Our rehabilitation therapists and nurses are committed to helping each patient achieve positive outcomes, regain independence and live a safe daily life as their recovery allows.
  • ABL Health Care rehabilitation therapists have improved the quality of life for many patients in the bay area this past year.
  • Senior care and bay respite care provided by California-licensed rehabilitation nursing staff.
  • Our assertive staff and strategies will help patients growth and physical performance, demonstrating care improvements.

For more information, call us at 650-257-0559 or email at info@ablhealthcare.com